Creating third party tracking links for Greenhouse jobs


Follow these instructions in Greenhouse to set up a third party tracking link:

1. In your Greenhouse sandbox:

  • click on the job you'd like to track
  • click "sourcing"
  • click "job ad market"
  • click "create a new campaign"



2. You will be redirected to a list of job board partners. Choose your preferred job board.



3. Once you select a job board, you will need to fill out the following:

  • Job Post
  • Campaign Name
  • Details
  • Billing info



Please note that you can only create tracking links when a job board is live.


4. Click the Configure icon Configure-icon.png on your navigation bar and select Job Board & Posts on the left.



5. Find a job board on the subsequent Job Boards list and click the Ellipsis Ellipses-icon.png beside the job board name. Click Tracking Link from the dropdown.



6. Use the Get a Tracking Link box to configure the Who gets credit and Source fields.



7. A tracking link for the job board is generated in the provided field. Copy the tracking link and share it with the appropriate parties.



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