Reaching out to candidates on CloserIQ

1) If you would like to reach out to a candidate in the Review Stage, click on the blue Interview button:
 2) When you click the Interview button, you will see four options:
  • Report Offer
  • Not Hired
  • Send Message
  • Send to ATS

Choose "Send message" to reach out to candidate.

  • Screenshot__19_.png

3) A messaging box will pop-up. This will be your first point of contact with a candidate.

You will be given the option of canned responses to schedule a phone or in-person interview, or create a custom response for next steps (i.e. Skype interview):
4) Click on the Send Message button on the bottom left and your candidate will receive this message via email. 
Their response will come through to your inbox as a normal email. This way you don't need to login to CloserIQ every time you're sending a candidate a message.
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