Quick platform tutorial


Logging into your account: 

CloserIQ will send you a login URL. Once you log into your account, you’ll see a screen like this:


This is a dashboard of all the candidates in your queue categorized by stage:

  • Review
  • Interview Scheduled
  • Offer
  • Hired
  • Not Hired

Reviewing candidates:

To review a candidate, just click on their name in blue to be taken to their CloserIQ profile:


From here, the key components to pay attention to are:

The TA note:

  • A quick note from the candidate’s Talent Advisor highlighting why we think the candidate would be a good fit for the role.

Work experience:

  • A breakdown of the candidate’s resume focused only on key metrics (rankings, quotas, and awards). We try to take out all miscellaneous information.  



The Current Stage section on the upper-right will tell you where the candidate falls in your interview process (Review, Interested, Interview Scheduled, Offer, or Not Hired).




Reaching out to candidates: 

Once you review a candidate and would like to move forward, just click on the blue Interested button under Next Steps.

You’ll see that an email draft will pop up on your screen:


We’ve created email templates for phone and in-person interviews. You can tailor these messages as needed.

When you press Send, the message will be sent to the candidate’s inbox. When they respond, it will go directly to your inbox, so that you don’t have to keep signing into CloserIQ to check candidate messages.


Passing on candidates: 

If you would like to pass on a candidate, just click the Pass button.

The candidate will not be notified that you are passing on them, but you will be asked to give us feedback on why you are passing on them. This helps us understand how to improve candidate quality and adjust criteria for the role:


If you’re passing on a candidate before speaking with them, clicking the Pass button is the only step you need to take.

If you’re passing on a candidate after speaking with them, you should reach out directly to let them know. A quick personalized message can be very beneficial for your brand and the candidate experience.


Team communication: 

For quick and easy communication between your team and CloserIQ, use the Team Comments tab to send confidential messages to inboxes. You can use the @ sign to mention a person and the message will go straight to their inbox.


To see all messages sent to candidates from your team, just click on the Candidate Messages tab to see a full history:



Do you have any questions for us?

If so, please don’t hesitate to contact support@closeriq.com 


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